Workshop on promoting the ODC website and its usefulness among the community fisheries in Kep and Kampot province
On 21 January 2022, ODC collaborated with the Children and Women Development Center in Cambodia (CWDCC) and conducted a training workshop on access to the data and information on the Open Development Cambodia website to the community fisheries from Kep and Kampot province.
The training was funded by the European Union through the ActionAid Cambodia under the project called Securing access to and control over land and natural resources for vulnerable community fisheries in the coastal areas of Cambodia.
The primary training purposes are to guide the ODC website via mobile or computer to community fishing groups by demonstrating key steps, including general data retrieval, profile pages, interactive maps, and downloading or sharing data and information from websites to social media via mobile or computer. The feedback from participants will be included in the plan to update the information resources on the pages and related datasets to benefit the fishing community groups and relevant institutions.
The training was participated by 20 community people from 12 community fisheries, including Kampong Samaki, Trapeang Sangkae, Prek Tnoat, Kep Thmey, Changhorn, Trapeang Ropov, Koh Krisna, Kampong Tralach, Angkaol, Phum Thmey, Ou Krasar, and Phum Kep. Nine of them are women.

Mr. King Sophavy, Kep Provincial Fisheries Administration Deputy Chief, giving an opening remark.
This time training, ODC was very honor to have Mr. King Sophavy, Kep Provincial Fisheries Administration Deputy Chief, to opening remark at Vakara Hotel, Kep province. Before the opening, Mr. Sophavy presented us about marine fisheries conservation areas in Kep province, including registered community fisheries, marine biodiversity conservation at Kaoh Ach Seh and Kaoh Angkrong, seasoning conservation and fishing, and submarine tourism around Kaoh Mak Prang and Kaoh Tonsay. Taken this opportunity, he expressed his admiration to the community fisheries members’ effort and commitment for their significant participation in protection and conservation. He also encouraged the community members to fully participate in the training to strengthen their knowledge and capacity for marine resources protection in the future.
The first training session started with the website presentation on fisheries conservation areas, demonstrated by Mr. Vong Pisith, ODC Senior Data Research and GIS officer. At this session, the community will learn to access the ODC website to find fisheries protected area information, use interactive maps, and download and share data.
The next session was followed by the web demonstration on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) profile page, presented by Mr. Loch Kalyan, ODC Data Research and GIS Specialist. The community members can freely access 28 drafted and completed reports of development projects in Cambodia on this page. The morning program was finished by the Q&A sessions and solitary lunch.
The afternoon was the practice time. All the participants had the opportunity to try accessing fishery and development project data on the ODC website from their mobile phones and share the information from the website to other community members through Facebook Messenger and Telegram.
According to the feedback, the community said they have learned more about the ODC website and know-how to access information and other relevant data on the internet from their mobile phone. However, other problems during the training should be counted. The participants mostly faced issues regarding mobile internet connection, low capacity smartphone, knowledge of using the internet, and technical language usage. They also mentioned having regular training or increasing the number of training days.
In late June 2021, the ODC team has also conducted two times training virtually with 21 people (13 women) from 08 fishery communities in Kampot province. The training also provided the opportunity to the community fisheries to learn how to use the ODC website and share their experiences and challenges in finding information or documents and make suggestions to the ODC team.
Find more about the event on Facebook at the following links: